Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Picking Up . . .

After a rather long absence from blogging, I figured it was time to pick it up again. I find myself in a different place now from where I was when I stopped, and I'm hoping that technology can help me to again be the teacher I want to be.

Currently, I'm serving as CHS's Guided Study Hall teacher. You may think it sounds basic and easy, but I'm spending time working on study skills lessons with kids, test taking strategies, improving grades, and helping kids to feel like they're cared about through their educational experience. I teach one, maybe two lessons per week on various topics, but I'm really missing the chance to be creative and pull in tidbits of technology. While much of class is devoted to working on homework, I feel my desire to teach something is diminished by not being able to teach on topics I find interesting. For example, teaching kids about how not to procrastinate coming from one of the worst procrastinators I know was definitely the pot calling the kettle black.

I want to do something to get my fix, but what can I do? Laptops are limited, we don't really have anything to backchannel about, and blogging seems irrelevant at this point with them.
I did create a discussion forum on my website, but they aren't taking it seriously. I get comments about what teachers they hate, and how they "love me . . . XOXOXOXO . . ." but nothing of any real value.

Any suggestions? I am one eager taker!