Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Great Expectations

The First Post . . .

Growing up, my family was very afraid of technology. Funny that as an adult, I want to learn as much as possible about technology, how to do things (post a YouTube clip, create a snazzy website, anything!), and how to use technology to my advantage and my students' advantages in the classroom. Who would have thought a girl growing up in a house where the Internet was viewed as a place for child molesters would grow to love it and want to include it as much as possible in my life? (not the molesters, though)

I'm hoping that this experience will teach me more about technology and how to use more of it in my classroom with my students. I want the Alt. School students to get the same, if not more knowledge, that the mainstream students receive in their nifty classes.

In the words of one of my great teachers from back in the day . . . here we go!

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