Monday, September 15, 2008

Technology in the Classroom, today edition

So I was amazed that my students had a really difficult time accessing email addresses and things today in class. I had a session the first week of school where I had them create email addresses for school and then had them send me emails to keep track of their login information. Then today, I sent the day's assignment to their emails and had them work in the computer lab on the first day of the project.

While some students had no problem accessing the information, I had many students who had no clue as to how to get to any email information, how to send a new email, how to download an attachment, or even how to properly save a document. I had one student that spent the entire 45 minutes in the lab trying to create an email (they had forgotten to email me the first time), receiving the document from me, and attempting to find the information they needed and save it to their user folder. I guess sometimes I tend to take for granted the things they don't know.

Part of my idea for today was to make it a "green" assignment where there is no paper used for the work that they were doing. Although we used zero paper, I think the time spent trying to get things up and running would have been dramatically lessened with going the old fashioned way.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Very interesting that some students had so much trouble. While I commend paperless, I think some paper can ease things along . . . I've been typing up step-by-step instruction (logging into computer, logging into email, etc.) and reusing the instructions for each class. I've found it really saves time when a kid has a question and you can point to the instructions right in front of them rather than spending time with the simple stuff when other kids have more complex questions. Hope this helps . . .